That is the three embryos right before the transfer and us right after the transfer.
We would like to thank all of you who have followed along with our journey. We won't have any more news for a few weeks unless it is bad news, so please understand the emotional delicacy that we are enduring. Your prayers are joyfully accepted but your questions may be politely dodged. The outcome will reveal itself in time.
We are done here in Brno. I plan on taking it easy and packing on Saturday, maybe stroll around Sheldon's new favorite park with the zip line... here is a peek!
On Sunday we travel by train to Prague with other members of the Baby Making Gang, we will spend one night in Prague and then part ways, Sheldon and I are renting a car and exploring as much of Germany as we can until we fly home Wednesday. The blog will continue throughout our last few days of fun and adventure!
Thanks for sticking with us,
The Jones'
So extremely happy for this wonderful journey for the both of you and I hope that it continues on. I will wait to hear the wonderful news! Hugs and kisses to you both!
Veronica wanted me to actually be unfortunate and drag my but through the mud
Sorry Sheldon, I'm with V on this one. Butt in the mud would have been funnier. :)
So glad to see Larry, Curly and Moe made it home safely!
grandpa made the dawgs run around the farm for a couple hours today... they are exausted! check out a pic here
Those look like some good eggs!
Damnit!!! Sheldon+mud+butt=good clean fun!
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