Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Goals are good.

My newest goal while here in the Czech Rep is to eat tomatoes with every meal. Cause they are there, might as well eat 'em. Sheldon hates tomatoes so he won't play this game with me but I thought I'd let you all in on my new mission. And I am also still keeping my eyes on the prize with the original mission.

Today we are planning on making up our own tour of the Prague Castle. I like making up stories in my head about all this old stuff, I used to do it all the time when I lived in Germany, at least now I can try to convince my husband that some of it might be true. He tends to believe a lot of what I say... when he is listening. Then tomorrow our coordinator is picking us up to take us to Brno which is about two hours away. I am hoping the hotel does not give us a hard time with our room, but whatever, I don't care if they put us in a broom closet for $24 a night. I am just not paying the full price. I can stress about that tomorrow though. Today I am focused on the Castle stories and Post cards. Want one?

We are not sleeping well. Afternoon naps are needed because we are not sleeping at night but we are not sleeping at night because we keep taking afternoon naps. And then add into the mix that it is 73 steps from the street to our apartment.... and for some reason every route we seem to take to get somewhere is UP cobble stone streets there and back. Our butts are going to be looking cute when we get back. Right?

Ok, the next person that sees Daryll give him a good smack from me, he knows why, and tell him he isn't that funny. I am funny, he is not.

Are you so loving that Sheldon is writing too? Be sure to leave us a comment, ok? We love knowing that you are with us in spirit!


Anonymous said...

All those may have a redhead or two!

Anonymous said...

Geo will join you in your tomato mission. He loves 'em. Sara on the other hand says, "blegh".