Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Daryll Hates Vienna Saugages

On Monday night we met up with another couple, their surrogate and her sister-in-law/ traveling companion. The couple (I am not sure if they care to be mentioned in my blog so for now shall remain anonymous)is originally from Cuba and now hails from Providence, RI. The surrogate and company are both married (and mothers) and are from Cedar Rapids, IA (yet another shout out to my peeps out there!) Anyway, we have had dinner with all of these people for the past two nights, we are quite the motley crew with very little in common other than we, Joneses, are merely a day behind them in the quest for baby. It is very hard to explain my instant love for these folks, as we all wandered the streets last night after dinner, we all six kept pairing off to talk to each other and get to know each other better and connect with each individual, and then we'd switch. So, we all decided to go to Vienna together! I am also very excited to report that we will be taking the train there, we tried to buy bus tickets but Thank God they were sold out! I would have been disappointed if we did not get to take the train somewhere, I love train travel. Austria has long been one of my favorite countries (Salzburg is amazing) and I hope to have a perfect day despite the weather looking a bit gloomy.

It is 3AM Wednesday morning for me, I am on my sleep break, so I need to get back to my last two hours in the sack. We are on the early train and have a coffee date with our baby making gang before that. Later in the morning, we will find out how many eggs from yesterday's 10 were fertilized and which day the transfer will take place. So Vienna (the one without the canals, Dar) is the perfect distraction.

I am so breathlessly hopeful,


Mr. Daryll said...

I was trying to be ironical. Here's what I really want from Vienna: some kind of musical artifact, for instance a sheet music printing plate or a manuscript replica, or a photograph of an original manuscript. My smart-a$$edness actually extended to the bit about Mozart because I don't really like Mozart in that music snobbery sort of way, so nothing by Mozart. A toy harmonium played by Ludwig Van himself would suffice.

Anonymous said...

I love that you call them the Baby Making Gang (BMG's) LOL Anyway, have fun in Vienna and good luck with the Eggs! Can't wait to hear how many you will be having!

Mr. Daryll said...

...and speaking of Daryll:


danielvictorio said...

This is a really really good blog! thanks...

Anonymous said...

I am compelled to say that if you are getting Daryll something musical from the "land down under" I want something too, some kind of aboriginal flute (wait are we done with that joke?) Again I am cracking myself up!

I'm eating my yellow curry chicken and thinking of you! When you get back we have to go to our Thai restaurant.

I am also so excited to hear how many eggs are of the "good nature". Did you get my comment about the snotty kids????

Love and miss you so much!!!!!!!

Mr. Daryll said...

Look, go to the Esterhazy Palace and steal one of Haydn's quills off of his desk. That's all I need.