Dear Tammy, Mike, Jason, Brian, Dustin, Sam, Randy, Dave, Ian, Jamie, Robin, Bobby, Marilyn, Shannon, and Tim,
I am so very sad to report that Larson Barracks is now a ghost town. Prison-like fences now surround what used to be where I once called "home." The town of Kitzingen, once a quiet German country town whose only disruption was a few clusters of Army Barracks, is now an industrial wasteland of factories and traffic nightmares. It was so depressing to stand behind a steel gate at what used to be the main gate and see weeds over running the once beautiful cobble stone entry way. Out of sight to the right would have been the "green machine" and farther in would have been the theater where the guys all cried over Macauly Culkin's demise from bee stings in My Girl. Who knows what the motor pools look like? The golf course on the Back-40 still exists and you could see the ADA buildings and good ole Bldg 64 from the pro-shop. Maybe I saw the corner of the NCO Club. The building across the neighboring hill top that lights up at night and we frequented often, you know, The House of Lights, is still there, but who goes there? Harvey Barracks is no more, all of Wurzberg is closed, even the Army Hospital. All gated off and as good as gone, they all stand in ruin.
I was almost sorry we went, but not really. I was very quiet after that, my excitement dashed, I wished with all of my might to be young again, but alas, I left our ghosts there.
Definitely homesick now,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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Not because the rest of it sucked, but because this one was so good, this entry alone makes reading this entire account of your journey totally worth the time. I know that you are an honest person, but to my knowledge this is the most generously you've ever given to public honesty. Thank you.
Were you stationed at Larson or were you an Army brat whose father was at Larson or Harvey Barracks? My father was stationed at Larson from 1969 to 1977 (yeah, I know, 8 years in one place, totally unheard of, but it did happen). I was back there in 2006 before they shut Larson down completely and only a few families were left in Marshall Heights. Then I went back this past June and everything was shut down with weeds growing everywhere; very sad day for me. Most of my early childhood memories happened there. Please let me know when you were there (either stationed personally or as a dependent). Thanks.
Wow - really powerful post, V. Sorry I'm just now reading it.
Not sure who Donna is...
I was stationed at Larson from 1992-1994, it was my first duty station. I was in 123rd Signal Bn, 3rd ID. I lived in bldg 64, second floor, in the last quad near the ADA barracks. I traveled by train by every weekend to visit my sister stationed in Frankfurt. I walked up and down that hill, to and from the train station, sometimes drunk, other times sober as often as I could, back when I was 19... I missed Larson terribly before our recent visit, and I miss it a bit more now.
I'm an army brat. My dad spent time at both Harvey and Larson Barracks while he was stationed there from 1971-1974. I attended elementary school for 2nd and 3rd grades. We lived in Marshall Heights at the top of the hill. I was fortunate to go back and visit 25 years later in 1999. To my amazement, I was able to drive myself from Munich to Kitzengen to Marshall Heights. My sister and I got such a kick out of seeing where we spent some of the happiest years of our childhood years. It looked surprisingly good considering the years that had passed. We asked the elementary school personnel for a tour (school was already over that day), but they were reluctant to do so. After checking our ID's, they let us wander a bit. Wow...what a rush of memories. I'm sad to hear that its all closed now, but will happily remember Kitzingen and Germany for the rest of my life.
I was stationed at Harvey Barracks from January 1996 to December 1998. Kitzingen was absolutely a blast. I hate that it's all gone now. I feel much the way you describe. I'd like to go back to those days and re-live them -- running PT along the Main River in the morning, eating at the Italian restaurant in Grosslangheim, my wife and I living in our little upstairs apartment in Iphofen, but those days are long gone and will never come back.
Brad Wood
Ah, the life and times of Harvey Barracks are only a found memory. Although, I recently returned a few weeks ago, the status of the facility is a ghostly haunting. I drove up to the main gate, at dusk time as I done so many times before 20 years ago. This time to find the gate locked, the soldiers's gate with weeds overgrown, and glass busted out assuming by local teens. To look through those gates and see a sea of emptiness was a true haunting and age-defining site. I took the dirt road down around the site as far as my car would take me to find that there 1/15th only a memory. As my lights it into the buildings, if only a minute appeared lights coming on and the ghosts of army brothers waving back at me. I truly enjoyed my time Harvey Barracks and to find it in a state like I did, was truly a part of me that died. So many soldiers have passed through those buildings, marched down those sidewalks, prepared for battalion runs, lined up vehicles for Grafenwoehr and Hoensfeld training excercises. I cant imagine that the would lock it up to rot.
i started working at larson and harvey brks in 1999, i was part of the guard force. everytime i think back i get tears in my eys thats how much i miss it... r.i.p kitzingen, the best times ever....
I saw what that area was like when we moved back to Germany in late 2006. I've been living in Germany (Cologne) since then and after I saw how dead Kitzigen and Wuerzburg were, I decided that my memories of it were much better and never went back.
Thanks for posting this and thanks to FB for getting the 123rd back in touch.
In 1988, I thought that Harvey and Larson would be used by the Army forever. Of course, that was before the wall came down. I was 18, on my own for the first time, and was having the time of my life. Too much so actually. Knowing now that Harvey and Larson have been shut down makes me wish I had taken more pictures, soaked in the experiences so much more. Those years truly shaped me into who I am now. I've told myself for years that one day I would go back to relive the memories of my youth. Now I'm not so sure. I spent a year at Flak Kaserne in Ludwigsburg and not only is it shut down, but the buildings have been leveled and replaced by german housing. If only I could walk the grounds of Harvey one last time before it's gone.
SFC (retired) Kevin McAfee
HHC, 1-15th Infantry Battalion, 3ID
I was born in Kitzingen, Germany, & spent most of my life there. I miss it alot. I'm looking now for my Father who was stationed there at Harvey Barracks back in 1958-59. His name is Lloyd Pierce. If anyone knew him, please contact me at Thank You!
Keep Larson Barracks alive on Facebook. Found and married love of my life.
Hey I'm Peter I was in the Germany Army 92-96 in Volkach and I made lot's a friends on Larson Harvey and Leighton and seeing everything closed up is sad.
The " House of Lights" is a Korean Resaurant and Mr.Bell opend up a new Club called Longhorn, that was before everything closed up.
I also worked as a Security Superv. and as a volunteer for ARMP. If anybody wants to know more about the Barracks you can email me
Hey I'm Peter I was in the Germany Army 92-96 in Volkach and I made lot's a friends on Larson Harvey and Leighton and seeing everything closed up is sad.
The " House of Lights" is a Korean Resaurant and Mr.Bell opend up a new Club called Longhorn, that was before everything closed up.
I also worked as a Security Superv. and as a volunteer for ARMP. If anybody wants to know more about the Barracks you can email me
Hey I'm Peter I was in the Germany Army 92-96 in Volkach and I made lot's a friends on Larson Harvey and Leighton and seeing everything closed up is sad.
The " House of Lights" is a Korean Resaurant and Mr.Bell opend up a new Club called Longhorn, that was before everything closed up.
I also worked as a Security Superv. and as a volunteer for ARMP. If anybody wants to know more about the Barracks you can email me
Hello to all! I am an ex truckdriver(dusenhalf)who visited Leighton once in a while to go to hospital.My time in the Wurzburg area was in the year of 1975.I was stationes at the Emery Kaserne with the 3rd Supply+Transport Battalion in support of the 3rd Inf. Division! I hated Emery with all the very bad racial tension,BUT I loved Wurzburg and all the small burgs I got to deliver everything you could imagine to!Wildfleken,Nurenburg,Shweinfurt,K-town,bad Kitzingen,Rhienn-Meinn air base,spelling off but I think you know what I mean? I even got to drive on the A-bahn! The entire place was beautiful to the extreme! I just googled my old barracks(Emery)and it looked like a ghost town! Nothing in the motor pools! Ouch!If anyone has any history or stories pertaining to Emery could you post a link or something to me on facebook? Thank you and have a good one.
I too was stationed at Larson Barracks, back in the early 1980's. Many joyful times but equally tears of sadness. All of us were changed by Kitzingen and some of us had girlfriends from Kitzingen, we needed them more than we knew. Oh how young we all were. How I wish we could turn back the hands of time and live forever in that time. Well tears are coming down cheek and it's time to fade away as old soldiers do, Good bye Kitzingen! We still love you and always will!
hello my name is Rick Black my dad was stationed at harvey barracks from 1971 till 1973 i was a young dumb kid i had a chance to learn so much but let it slip by if any one from there remembers me jcrick68@hotmail it would be nice to hear form you
So sad to hear its closed. Was stationed there in 1994. I miss the house of lights and the gut truck outside the gate at 03:00 on Sunday morning. Surely will live in my memory forever.
Kristopher Chancey
The post and town were depressing. maybe because oir unit lived in th field, Graf, hohenfels, wildflecken, reforg, ftxs on company and battalion and division levels, alerts.
I was stationed there from 78-80, wanted to go back but now think I will pass on that. I have my memories and photos.Thanks for the up date though on it and Wurzburg where my son was born.
to whoever the anonymous person who ate at that italian restaurant in grosslengheim is. i also remember eating there as a child, back in 92-93 i used to get told to ride my bike down there and pick up what my dad ordered. haha. i can taste the baked tortellini now. haha. now if only i could find this girl i was in school with there! haha. -kyle truitt
I was stationed at Harvey from 77-79. I was supposed to be stationed in Berlin, but I kindly said "no thanks" and they sent me to Kitzingen instead. I got to live half of my time in town and the rest in the barracks. Anyone remember the little German restaurant on the north side of Harvey? I fell in love with the woman and her two daughters that ran it, but what wasn't to love about the place. The owners name was Gisela and I can still see the plate of pounded pork, potatoes and sunny-side fried eggs that she would put on top the meat. I spent many a lunch and dinner in her place with that meal and a cold beer.
Too bad I can't roll the clock back for just one more meal and see her always smiling face.
My name is Norman McDuffie. I also was at Flak/Larsen barracks.if anyone was there in the 62-65 era and would like to email me my email is and please put Kitzingen soldier in the subject line
My Ex-Husband was stationed at Larson for 3 years from 1977 to 1980, we lived in Marshall Heights with our two daughters, I have often wanted to go back to Visit Kitzingen and see Larson, I guess all I can do is drive up to the gate when I do go back for a visit. Sad though that it's closed.
My NAME IS Darren Lee Wilson and I was station at Larson in Kitzingen from 1988-1990, my 1st duty station to see some of the pictures posted that the base is closed was a real hard to take in its the place were I grew up as what I use to say into a lean green fighting machine to know that it is shut down really hits hard.
My name is richard
Worked at Harvey Barracks from 68-75 US ARMY with 3rd S&T Detachment (we ran the Tower, air field and hanger, flight simulator).
I bowled and raced cars with the mini stocker group on Harvey barracks part time bar tender weekends at the Officers club.
Lived in Marshall Heights with wife and kids.
Master Sergeant (Retired)
Harvey Barracks became ConneKT.
In 2013 the Harvey Barracks were sold to a private investor who named it "ConneKT". His aim is, to develop the former Barracks to an industrial- /technology-area.
Although I live near Kitzingen my whole life, I've hardly ever visited the Barracks - only at the German-American-Volksfest when we were young. Walking through the area now makes me understand that in every corner you can feel history. So many people called the Harvey Barracks their home. So many memories - so sad ...
If you are intersted, you can watch here for more informations about ConneKT - just if you like:
Here you can also find a picture-gallery (ger.: Fotogalerie)
Anyway the area looks much better now than a few years ago - after closing the gates. Although the use of the area had changed, his character will stay the same.
My father was the company commander of Brave 3/63 on Harvey Barracks in the Early 80's. I believe we were there from mid 1983- mid 1986. I attended Kitzingen Elementary innMarshall Heights and then 1/2 of a year at the middle school before we moved away. Our first home was in the town of Volkach, while we wait listed for housing. We were then moved to Muldenweg Officers housing which was at the bottom of the hill from Marshall Heights, across the street from the main highway which ran I front of the middle school.
The best years if my childhood were spent living in Germany. I have dug up several articles, web links and photos on Harvey & Larson Barracks, and the places we lived at & visited. So heart breaking to see it all deserted and abandon.
I have a photo album on my Facebook page of my collection of photos.
R.I.P Harvey & Larson Barracks
Jenna Lea (Skurski)
My father was the company commander of Brave 3/63 on Harvey Barracks in the Early 80's. I believe we were there from mid 1983- mid 1986. I attended Kitzingen Elementary innMarshall Heights and then 1/2 of a year at the middle school before we moved away. Our first home was in the town of Volkach, while we wait listed for housing. We were then moved to Muldenweg Officers housing which was at the bottom of the hill from Marshall Heights, across the street from the main highway which ran I front of the middle school.
The best years if my childhood were spent living in Germany. I have dug up several articles, web links and photos on Harvey & Larson Barracks, and the places we lived at & visited. So heart breaking to see it all deserted and abandon.
I have a photo album on my Facebook page of my collection of photos.
R.I.P Harvey & Larson Barracks
Jenna Lea (Skurski)
I just bought a set of 4 rocks style glasses labeled Kitzingen officers club. Gold rimmed with a coat of arms. I will toast a bourbon to those that served.
Army brat, soldier, wife....I enjoyed reading about other people's walk down memory lane. We lived in Wuerzburg, Germany and still love the place. I know the leased housing in Kitzingen went on the market an sold to German families. But Marshall is a ghost town. So wasteful. People could be living in the on base housing, a great school for children. Medical, and dental etc. One of my best friends lives there. Housing was renovated now empty. I love and still love Germany. When military closed we moved to Mannheim, closed now also. Proof positive be careful what you ask for
I was stationed at Larsen Barracks from 1965 to 1968 and it was an enjoyable time and experience. As they say, got there as young boy and left a man. Things were simple and cheap. I remember eating at the train station (bratwurst and beer) paying with a five Mark coin and getting back change. Sad to hear it's close down, a fond place in my heart will always have a candle burning.
My name is David Fontaine was station in Harvey barracks and was in the armor unit 1977-1979 and i was so young only 18 however I had a wonderful time there and in town in kitzingen. I was the Col driver and then is was ship to Augsburg to drive for another Col ....I truly had the best best in kitzingen and plan to visit again soon ..I also remember that there was a trip for soldiers that wanted to go on a retreat to general walker hotel in Austria , it was a 5day pass and the hotel cost only 4$ a nite and the bus ride and the country side to generalwalker hotel was so beautiful and that hotel was unbelievable ---has anyone else visit the general walker hotel thank you for wonderful memory .........David Fontaine 31 chestnut street worcester massachusetts 01609
Army brat here. My dad was stationed at Larson Kaserne for several years in the mid 60's to early 70's. We lived on the economy a few times and in Marshall Heights. What memories! The Gummy Man in his little volkswagon. The Lemonade' Store beside the commisary, selling delicious plums. The Shuernstuhl Brewery with it's broken bottles embedded in the top of its concrete fence. The AYA and all the fun it offered. We were truly blessed to have the best life growing up there! Thinking of those times takes me back to a simple life, simple joys. Thanks for bringing back the memories.
I was stationed in Germany at Larson barracks from feb 01 to march 05...this includes a deployment to Iraq from feb 04 to feb 05 w 21 signal battalion. all our fun times going to the night rock café, and the b8. mostly night rock, which was down the street from my place, and was sort of connected in w tp I think it was called. I had a sweetheart waitress I thought the world of at the night rock, but I think she must have had bad health issues or drug problem somewhat because she passed away while I was deployed. we left in feb 04, and I came back on leave around thanksgiving time. scary that she had been dead so long it wasn't even news to anyone who knew her. I don't think she would have come home to the states w me because we were out one day and she spoke of when u get back to America you will tell ppl of this crazy lady u knew..hmmmm. why wouldn't she go w me? its over 10 yrs now...I'm happily married, but I wonder if she would have lived if we hadn't deployed, or if it was happening anyway. R.I.P. Daniela.
it was the 121st sig bn....typo. Daniela made going out on the wknd fun. I still carry a torch for her sort of, but she always seemed like she needed money. I didn't want to argue or ask her out loud what it was for, because it was hard not to see her because she worked where I went on the wknd. it hurt soooo bad to hear she was gone. I felt powerless, and was almost ready to skip leave and head back to Kuwait and Iraq the next day...I found out she was gone from another waitress in another club on my first day home on leave...I had a full 2 weeks in kitzingen without her. the memories are there forever.
I was stationed at Larson from 1974-1976 for my last 19 months in the Army. I was a computer programmer at the Data Center whereby we maintained the computer programs for the 3rd Infantry Division payroll. I enjoyed my time in Germany and all it had to offer (e.g. women, beer, sights, and sounds loll).
Hi my Name is Lukas Pfeuffer and i'm 17. I'm living near the Larson Barracks since 98 and i really wanna know more about them so if someone would tell me a bit about his time there it'll be great! My e-mail is
I was in 2nd Brigade 3rd ID, HHC, from 74 to 76 at Harvey Barracks. My son was born at Larsen. Lots of good memories of the area and living in Biebelried, Stadt Swarzach and Hoheim.
I was in 2nd Brigade 3rd ID, HHC, from 74 to 76 at Harvey Barracks. My son was born at Larsen. Lots of good memories of the area and living in Biebelried, Stadt Swarzach and Hoheim.
My parents and four kids lived on the hill in military housing in kitzingen. We were there in 1955 to 58. Down the hill was the elementary school. I went to high school wurtzberg. From our apt we looked out at miles and miles of vineyards. Would love to see photos of it from the 1950's.
I was stationed at Larsen from 83-86 as part of the 2nd btn 39th fa...bravo btry. I lived in the village of westheim, # 39 in my memory is correct. Many great memories. I am looking for a couple buddies. Hugo Cortez, jim shelton, terry widmeyer, just to name a few. email: Bowerman
Wow, who knew this was going on! My family lived in Marshall Heights from 1965 to 1970. We were "uphillers" apartment 322R4 overlooking the big double hill we used all winter with our flattened out commissary boxes. A classmate named Billy Boggs took off down that hill one day and went down so fast he hit the concrete at the bottom and spent the next year in a body cast. Ahhhh yes, the good old days! I also remember my teacher from California, her name was Miss Gloria Tank. Gabby Gusto lived across the hall, Linda Boucher was there from Ohio, "Beep"and Cassandra Garcia, the Perez family was downstairs, and I remember "the flower lady" who lived near the commissary. We would buy a fist full of cut flowers from her for a quarter. Trade comics was a weekly event. And who can forget our very own leaning tower? What bliss, great times, great place! Anyone have more from that time so long ago?
Reservist stationed there during shield/storm. Loved my time there. Miss Carlos pizza outside the main gate. My tour as an M.P. there was a great experience.
Hello.. My name is Marvin Clark. I was stationed at Larson Barracks from 1962-1965. I just returned from a trip there. Even though the barracks is closed, I was able to visit the site and see the old barracks, mess hall, etc. It was awesome and even quite emotional to revisit the place I called home so many years ago. My wife and I were able to take videos to share with our children and we really enjoyed our trip to Germany, particularly Kitzingen.
I was stationed in larson from 1997 to 2000...larson gave me the best years of my life...4/3 Ada. I will miss this place truly
Stationed there at Larsen 1966-1968. C company 10 Engr.... remember the Milk Bar...La Pomla. Also there was Cheap Charlies...had so much fun there.there probably 4 or 5 more bars that we hung out. Please contact me at
I feel so ancient. I was at Harvey Barracks 58 - 60 HQ Company 1st Med Tank Battalion 68th Armor. I was the best bowler in the area. Took a lot of money off the guys from Detroit who hated the idea of a California kid that good and bragged about it.
I don't think I was ever on Flack Kasserine.
In the Scout platoon we got to see much of Germany. I saw Elvis twice. He was gold and miserable as I was. Winter shield I think it was.
I'm Bill Stempke drop me a line.
I lived in Marshall Heightts all through my middle school years from 2002-2005 Bldg 329 C7 :)
I was there from 1967 to 1969 in 10th eng 3rd inf. I don't think i ever missed a alert or bar. Spent most of the time on alert coming and going to one.
We where there 68 to 69 at the hawk missed site Kirsch, Poff, Kowoski, Haynes, Brainard, Delany, Gomez and McKeever. Good times back then. Contact us on Facebook if your from that time frame for a reunion.
Haha this is awesome can't believe I never saw this before all these years later, I was married for a year to the Veronica who started this thread we were stationed at Larson with a bunch of other kids in our teens and early 20s, this was back in 1992-93, I spent time in Wertheim Peden Barracks with the 3/35 field Arty, this was during Desert Storm, then I was transferred to 123rd Signal and lived at Hindenberg Kaserne in Wurzburg, we used to drink and Party at the Green Goose and the Labyrinth, me and my Buddies Jay and John and Ben, Robert and Chad and AJ and Kevin and Craig and Scrappy, Ed, Jeff, Cooky and wow so many others I cannot even remember their names... haha I was just thinking about this night we got really drunk at the Green Goose and got in a brawl with the bouncers, and they did kick a bunch of our asses that night. Wow we were crazy and like 19 or 20 years old. Then we packed up and moved to Larson in Kitzingen. That's where I met Veronica, I went through the Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) there and was a Corporal... a lifetime ago, we divorced and I went to college back home in Pennsylvania, got married again and its been corporate middle management with kids and a mortgage and all that great stuff... the time I spent in Germany in the army was some of the best years of a pretty great life so far. I remember Kitzingen and drinking Maisel's Krystalweisen and those schnitzels and bratwursts and the beerfests... so many adventures. Hey V we need to talk sometime! I hope you and Sheldon are well and livin the dream anyone who remembers Tim Demeter get in touch, would love to hear from you
Stationed at Larson from 1986 to 1989.
Good times. My formative years. Lol
Spent a lot of weekends at the Coconut club at the bottom of the hill. Good memories.
Larson Barracks was my first duty station, January 1985-January 1987. I was in 10th Engineers. I saw some pictures of the fenced off kaserne a few years ago, and was sad to see things unused and in decay. I heard recently that it is now an industrial park. I often wondered if Leighton in Wurzburg had also closed, and now I know. Sad, sad. Many fond memories of Bierbrunnen, Kaminstube, Green Goose, Rockpalast, and many, many drunken train rides to Nurnberg, Munchen, and all over southern Germany. The closest I have been since is stopovers at Rhein-Main going back and forth to OIF. Thanks for sharing your visit.
Wow, All this makes me feel old. I'm Chester Williams and was located at Larson Barracks from 1971 to 1973. I was in the Co. A 703rd Maintenance Battalion and worked as an artillery mechanic initially. I was later cross trained as a maintenance float administrator. It really saddens me to read of the way both Larson and Harvey Barracks have been neglected. If anyone reads this and would like to contact me, my email is I would especially like to hear from anyone who was a member of the Kitzingen Klodhoppers square dance club.
Hello my comrades i was in the 1st and 76 fa in 1979-1981 looking for anyone at the same time any help please and thank you
C company 10th engineers 75&76 .We were kids and grew up fast. Lots of good times and some tears, met some good people ish, griz, dunton, choppo, squeak freezing our asses during reforger. Amsterdam!!
i was in A company 1st/76FA 1979-1981 looking for people that might know me thank you
Husband was stationed at Larson in 1990's. 10th ENG, E Comp.,I was born in Gnoetzheim, little town 30 min away from Kitzingen. Spent a lot of good times at the Bierbrunnen, ate lots of Bratwurst and french Fries with Mayo from the Milk Bar after a long night partying. The Kaminstube had the best Food in town. Hubby and I would meet our friends there. We lived in Collette Circle for about 2 years.
I fondly remember the German/American Volksfest. Had some of of the best times of our lives there. We moved to the US in 1992 and Husband/Children talk about "home" on regular occasions. Will try to make it over there one more time but know it will never be as it was back then. Thank you for a wonderful time and great memories...Kitzingen
I was stationed at Larson Barracks from 1976-1979, 1/76th FA (HHB, Bravo and Service Battery's). Read the reports of what has become of that pristine place.....well as others have said, I have my photos and my memories.
We were supposed to visit Germany this fall (2020) and I was trying to plan a side trip to Kitzingen and show my family where I was stationed but it appears that COVID has nixed that. Guess I'm sad but the description reminds me of the opening scene in a WW II movie , Twelve O'Clock High where an old soldier tries to go back where he served and finds the place overgrown----
I got to Harvey barracks in early January 1980, I was 18 and had a blast. Luckily I made it out alive. The crowd there was borderline insane, I've seen it all, even a murder , there were drugs everywhere, and the problems that go along with it. My first night there, I had to prove to them I wasn't a snitch, they give you drugs, and watch your reaction. I happily abliged , it cost them a pretty penny, I have high tolerance , and demanded more. I was welcomed to the fold. Luckily for me, drugs were not my thing, but beer was, and I was in Germany , I managed to sneak out quiet often to cheap Charlie's or Reginas to quaf my thirst, shoot pool, and chase local gals. Germany was more like an enchanted place. After my service in tha Army, I would periodically visit my old haunts. I even lived in Kleinlangheim in the Golden Lamms gasthaus , they had a concert hall upstairs, local Rock bands played there, I lived in the music practice room, there was always a party there. Oh yeah I was with A co 1/64 Armor.
I was stationed HHC 10th Engr Bn from 1984-1986. Great times, even Kitzingen train station food was amazing. Forgot how COLD it got crossing rivers in the winter, and I dont think it ever warmed up in Hohenfels, either.
By comparison, Ft. Hood was boring as hell.
oh my, larson was my 1st place I was out on my own,joined army 1986 and went to larson after bootcamp.It was so sad to hear and then see videos of this place I loved and a young adult. I found this vedio on youtube its a really good walk through larson and kitzingen,took several attemps to watch whole thing,hit hard,remember walking up and down that hill so many times because i couldnt save enough from the bierbrunnen for taxi back up,lmbo. I was there from dec 1986 till end of 1988 D co 10th engineers Marn. The leaning tower, draculas tomb. I have a vhr tape I made back in 1988 when I was about to pcs back to the states that I havent watched since made,I need to get transfered over to disc and watch again
Wow I had forgotten all about Marshall Heights until I read this... Army brat who lived there from '77-'79 with my parents and sis. I attended Kitzingen elementary grades 6 and 7. It seems like just yesterday and it is definitely sad to hear about the state of Larson Barracks and the heights. Oh do I remember the hill. Mostly riding down it on my bike and going over the handle bars a few times!
March 68' to June 69' (after Nam) Company A (AK4912) 703 Maintenance Batallian 3rd Infantry Division. Company located across from EM/NCO Club.
Tim Myers (not anonymous)
I met a woman at the Coconut in 1987 who led me to a graveyard at 11pm and took advantage of me on one of the graves!! I can't believe I did that!!!!!
My first duty station after training at Ft. Sill. 2/39th FA HHB. 1981-1983 Larson Barracks. I remember our field exercises, daily runs, The Bier Brunnen!, and the food. Mostly my fellow soldiers and wonder how they are today...Merrick, Clay, etal. Sorry to see the demise of that special place.
I was stationed Larson barracks 7 third maintenance, a company generator repair shop with the introduction of the M1 there. Please contact me specialist, Joe rito.
I read anonymous on 10/1/23 says he was at Larson Barracks 1981-1983, I was also in HHB 2/39Fa During that time. Please Let me know if your still around
SGT.Fullmer Commo/Supply
Hello, I spent one day walking in the wood behind the golf course in Kitzingen (very nice paths and walks) and ended in “lost places”:
Very interesting initiative- please share it and continue to remember history.
Thanks and enjoy the summer!
See also: : a few pictures
And the map + explanation of what is left.
I was there in 1987. I was seduced by a female bar tender at the Coconut Bar as she led me to a graveyard in Kitzingen and took advantage of me under a grave stone!!! OK, maybe the feelings were mutual! Lol!!!
I also remember passing the Euseur driver's license first time go by one point, a 70! I had to find a way to get to the Green Goose in Wurzburg, for all the wrong reasons!!
My name is Andreas Fulcher
Veronica, I too miss Larson! I have fond memories but when I got my driver's license, I was reassigned undercover narcotics in Schweinfurt Germany as an MP with 3rd MP Co
I was just 19, packing a loaded 45 cal in Schweinfurt going into night clubs interrogating soldiers suspected of selling hash in the Army. The Army must have known I came off the streets of New York to join the Army! Lol!!
It was my determination to get to the Green Goose in Wurzburg that inspired me to pass the license test in 1987! For all the wrong reasons!!!!
My story is much like the OP, though I was there in the mid to late 1980s, as an Army Diesel Mech and quite young. I fell in love with a local girl, 2 or 3, (or 10), inches taller than me. Mid relationship, my dad's health was failing, so I went home, back to the states, never to see her again.
I don't really miss Larson Barracks, when I was there, there was a lot of corruption and people going to jail for things I'd only heard of on the nightly news. But even in the midst of all this, Kitzingen's took all the pain and the gathered detritus from my life and gave me back so much more than Larson could try to take away.
I've recently retired and wanted to go back to see... well, see. I used to go to this cool pub I unimaginatively called the "2 Old Guy's" pub, I think it was called the Bierbrunnen, which was owned by these two old guys that had a second, small bar in the back, with one of my favorite people working there. Her name, forever now just on the tip of my tongue... I want to say "Barb", but that's probably wrong. She was always alone, and maybe a little sad, her military boyfriend stuck down in East Berlin, for what seemed like forever. I like to think we were kind of close.
I loved the people of Kitzingen, so warm, caring, and inviting, my first and last experience with the beautiful country of Germany. I took a Google street view, map tour and couldn't remember or find a thing.
I wish... I wish the wishes of an older man, a man who regrets having left and longs for the arms I once found so warm, comforting and accepting. I hope she forgave me, the choices that seemed to make themselves at the time. She was more to me than I ever let on, much to my chagrin. I hope she found a good man, someone who was as good to her as she was to me, mein lieber, süßer Schatz.
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