Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't threaten to run away from home... just go.

So, I held my breath and he did not come back. As Sheldon settled into his gig in the dreaded desert, I got a little restless. So I packed it up, loaded the dogs and left El Paso. I was supposed to hangout til September and run a half marathon with the Army wives, but training in El Paso proved to be a little too difficult for me. When the weather is mild there it only gets to 95. Otherwise it hits triple digits by 9am. No Thanks. Driving with the windows down, as fast as allowed, through the desert seemed more my speed. So I headed north to Colorado, where else? I spent the better part of a week between Colorado Springs and Longmont. The first stop, was breakfast with Leigh (Verzyl) Wright and her GORGEOUS family in the Springs. For those of you who don't know, Leigh is the girl that insisted on going with me to Basic Training all those years ago. We parted ways early, took different paths, but even after all these years we remain rooted and bonded by more than just high school history or Army adventures. It was wonderful to see her and meet her husband and children... and dogs.

I got back on course and made it to Denver to see Michelle and her kiddos for lunch in the park that first day before settling in in Longmont with my Colorado hostess with the mostest, Lisa. Gage knocked over her "Dogs Welcome" sign and made himself at home with Aunt Lisa. While we were there we got to enjoy early mornings at the dog park, then coffee on the porch with Lisa, Cassia and our dog buddies, Credence and Riggs. Afternoons were spent with Karen, also visiting, from Thailand, with her mini internationals: Sara and George. Karen, my friend from Basic Training and AIT, is the girl that tricked me into moving to Boulder in 1995 after we got off active duty (the first time.) We got to spend more time with Michelle and her Lily, Ally, from Winter Park, with her snow bunnies, Emerson and Madigan, and also made a trip up the big hill to see The Archers and their new mountain man, Mr Soren, and his big sisters Elia and Eden. I mention all these folks because they read this blog and also so that it can be known that I was on a mission to be with my people, and their children, and also their dogs.

I almost could not bear to leave the place that most feels like MY home. The Boulder area has always been my place. Despite the hippie vibe and yuppie influence, it makes sense to me, it is comfortable and comforting and yet, shiny and new everyday. The weather and the people are perfect and wonderful. I hate seeing Boulder in my rear view, so I left late at night and suffered Nebraska in the dark, and inched my way to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Amanda, is my favorite girlfriend from Ft Bragg, she is the girl that always got my jokes, my partner in crime. I can't figure out if it is a good thing or a bad thing that she always lets me act as stupid as I want. In any case, Amanda found a home in a cornfield with her husband and kids and dogs, she tries to act like a grownup out there and I guess she puts on a pretty good routine because those folks seem to be buying, I just had to see it to believe it. While we were there Zoe and Gage got to poop on the corn... (say it out loud)... there's the joke. We also go tto go to the Field of Dreams!!! I hope the post cards were enough, we are on a budget. It was pretty cool, but Iowa rumor has it that they are going to tear it down soon. I hope they are wrong, they built it, I went and truth be told... I'd go again, next time it will be with Sheldon. Next time... I loved visiting Iowa, it feels so Americana and fresh. The cornfields are simply magnificent and I am a huge fan of big red barns. I also got to visit a couple of new girlfriends, Dawn and Becky Clark. We met last year in the Czech Republic and they just so happen to live in the Cedar Rapids area... all the more reason to go there. Amanda's corn fed cuties, Ragan and Emeri were impossible to say goodbye to, so I left at first light without a proper goodbye. I hate that. But before I left the great state of Iowa, I stopped at a road side stand to pick up some sweetcorn for my mother-in-law, but get this: there was no attendant at the veggie stand. It was Self Serve!!! There was a box next to the corn that said "Please pay here" Well, the honor system is all well and good but I needed change for a $5 (it was a dozen ears for $4) so those dang farmers got over on me but by the time I got to Detroit with the corn and had it for dinner, I was over it and realized it was worth a dollar tip. Iowa is kinda like heaven and I kinda miss it.

My mother-in-law Carole is my gardening nemisis. I love her and I love visiting without the winter hastles that Detroit has to offer but her garden is a reminder of my inferiority to my husband's mother. I let Gage pee on her flowers because I suspect they are made of steel anyway. Just kidding. Kinda. Sheldon's birthday is this week and I plan on spending it with his Mom and Sister and our nephew Alex and our niece and 1st birthday girl, Madison. Madison is having a big birthday bash on Sunday and I am super excited to see her in a white dess (that Uncle Sheldon bought) eating cake. She has blue eyes and smiles a lot, like Sheldon.

Stay tuned...


Sheldon Jones said...

I like hearing about your travels and it sound like the dogs are loving all the attention that people have been giving them. Gage has got to be at least half way to doing his business in all 50 states by now.

Karen said...

Who'da thunk middle America would be so nice? I really hope they don't tear down the field of dreams. That would make me sad. Call when you are on the road and bored. We're here until the 5th.

Crystal said...

Now you have to add to this how you broke my door :)