I still can't believe that we live in Texas... It kinda seems like a joke. A very weird joke. My bedroom is still a total mess of Veronica clothing spilling from their boxes. I hate it. But this house feels like home to all of us. Speaking of all of us, my oldest niece, Brittany, has moved in with us for a few months. Honestly, it is wonderful to have her here, she keeps me company and goes to the gym with me every chance we get. Britt has enlisted in the Air Force and is trying to get in shape for Basic Training and that only keeps me motivated to workout as much as humanly possible. We are a good pair. And she is a sweet girl. She likes to help cook and that would be great if it wasn't so hard for me to share my kitchen. I am a total control freak and since we are all trying to figure out where everything goes, it tends to be a little challenging, but I'll get over it. Maybe. Brittany leaves at the end of June and until then I am just going to enjoy having her here. I just don't know if our female cat will ever warm up to her, I tried to explain to her not to take it so personal. Meeks hates everyone except Sheldon, she tolerates me.
Sheldon found out that he is going to be leaving for Iraq the first week of May. I am in denial about it and honestly am not that upset about it yet. Yet. We'll see how that unfolds but at least Britt will still be here with me for a while after he goes. That will be nice. The (sorta) good news is that Sheldon is going to be in charge of an S-3 shop, which means nothing to you civilians... really it means that he will be running the behind the scenes stuff of combat (the office job of soldiering) and the bottom line... not directly in harm's way. Much. (yay.) Knowing him though, he'll still go out on missions on his down time. Don't tell his mom.
Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of Mom's passing. I have to work in the morning, I thought about taking it off but I have no place to go to be with her in peace and quiet. I feel a bit lost here in that sense. I am homesick the most when I think of her. I guess I felt close to her everywhere I went in Columbus because that was her town, I could drive by the old Baker High School and think of her with a bit of ease and comfort that I can't find here. She is not in El Paso. Except that Brittany is here.
Hugs from Texas,
I was thinking about your mom this morning and missing her too. Know you are not alone and look for not in the physical places but in those who knew her for there she still lives. love you, K
Sending hugs and memories from G'ville. Love you guys! N
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